A Modern Way to Work Blog

Our blog empowers leaders with actionable insights and expert strategies to boost team performance.

Why HR Should Rarely (if Ever) Speak with Staff employee engagement human resources leadership people management

Before agreeing to work with a new retainer client, our team at A Modern Way to Work may spend hours in discovery conversations. Not only do we need to get a thorough sense of how a client’s...

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Performance Feedback vs Difficult Conversations: Why Understanding the Difference Can Make You a Better Manager human resources leadership people management

If we had to narrow down our work with clients to the topic that’s most in demand it would be how managers can get better at giving feedback and navigating difficult conversations with their...

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People Leaders Take Note: All Eyes Are on You When Employees Exit Your Organization employee engagement leadership people management

People Leaders Take Note: All Eyes Are on You When Employees Exit Your Organization

Whether an employee leaves in pursuit of a similar role elsewhere, or resigns for another reason entirely, the...

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9 Simple "Do's" to Keep WFH Employee Relationships Thriving employee engagement people management remote work team development

One of the questions we hear most frequently from people managers is, “How can I build and maintain relationships with the people on my team when they are working remotely?”


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Ready to Ramp Up Your Performance Reviews? Answer These 3 Key Questions First human resources people management

An overwhelming majority of new clients tell us that not only are their performance reviews not a source of inspiration, it’s unclear whether they even lead to better performance or improved...

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Become a Strengths-Based Organization (without knowing CliftonStrengths) Here's How! employee engagement people management strengths team development training

As founder of A Modern Way to Work, I was first introduced to Gallup's CliftonStrengths by my first supervisor. He was a big Gallup advocate, bent on instilling passion and respect for their...

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Building a Strengths-Based Organization people management strengths

If employees are lucky enough to receive regular feedback or performance reviews from their manager it’s usually centered around an “area for improvement”. Once this weakness is...

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Do this one thing to have more productive difficult conversations human resources people management

I once asked a group of undergraduate students I was teaching how many of them were taught debate in high school; pick one side of an issue and your opponent chooses the other side, and the winner...

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How to Successfully Manage Your Remote Team people management remote

I’m currently sitting in Mexico, while my other three colleagues are in Toronto, Petawawa and Austin, Texas. With news of businesses mandating employees work from home, and cancelling all...

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