Intensive, live, digital training that develops the skills and confidence of leaders and managers from around the world.


Why you’ll love it

Most programs compress learning into full-day training that takes managers off-line and removes them from their work and their team. This format leads to minimal knowledge transfer and behavioral change. This training is different because:

It’s designed to be integrated into your daily work activities.

→ It is based on the principles of learn, practice, reflect, repeat.

→ It creates the opportunity to learn and reflect alongside your training cohorts and group of leaders.

Who’s it for

Anyone seeking to develop their leadership and management expertise. It provides the fundamental skills to produce results through others and delves into some of management’s most challenging topics. This is training that ‘Builds Better Managers’ at any level.


 Inside the Modern Managers Intensive


Hundreds of managers have graduated from this
one-month program. 

  • Live Online Workshops

    Our one-month program is held over 6 two-hour online workshops. We meet live as a virtual group, twice weekly.

  • 1:1 Personal Coaching

    Start by setting personalized goals with your coach in a 1:1 setting. We want every participant to be able to maximize the applicability of the training.

  • Gallups Strengths Finder Assessment

    Uncover your strongest management talents through the Gallup StrengthsFinder. Your coach will help you connect your unique strengths to your day-to-day management strategies.

  • Opportunity to Practice

    Each week you will have a number of activities and readings to complete for homework. These help you immediately apply what you're learning.

  • Opportunity to Reflect

    The pace of the program allows for not just practice, but reflection. Your coach and the training cohort support you in internalizing what you're learning.

  • Tackling Pervasive Challenges

    These are the tools that are never formally taught but are essential to managers: Mindset for success, Setting clear expectations, Keeping employee engagement high, Running effective meetings and 1:1s, The art of difficult conversations.


$4750 + taxes/per person